At the 2024 Democratic National Convention, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell delivered a ray of hope. Losing an argument to a 12 year old is sort of on-brand for Mike, given his non-consensual relationship with reality and enthusiastic disregard for personal credibility. Mike mainlines social media election misinformation like Neo learns kungfu and he was caught on camera aggressively shouting a transcript of his twitter feed into the face of a child . * That social media actively floods our modern attention, discourse and culture with the most antagonistic, inflammatory and misleading content is, of course, widely known. As Stephen Fry recent put it , Facebook and Twitter … “are the worst polluters in human history. Worse than any chemical plant ever. You and your children cannot breathe the air or swim in the waters of our culture without breathing in the toxic particulates and stinking effluvia that belch and pour unchecked from their companies into the currents of our world” * ...
Exploring the moral and ethical implications of technology